Sunday 13 November 2016

Organic VS Non-Organic Onions: Need to buy organic?

Was Googling for whether I should buy organic yams... when came across this interesting & amusing article on onions.  I know there aren't any organic (Zenxin) yams, anyway.

I know conventional imported onions are irradiated (that's why I only buy local Singapore onions). But I didn't know organic onions are more potent.  From the comments in the article, it's a big difference. Wearing swimming goggles??  :)  Funny.

I remember the last time I teared up cutting onions was a long time ago. It was just too sad. It stung. Had to stop to rinse my eyes.

Come to think... cutting onions never make me cry anymore. These days,  the local Singapore ones don't make me tear up even though I chop them up. Strange. What did they do to the onions? The packet says no preservatives. And they are already peeled.  From Cold Storage. Only $2+.

Recently, I bought Zenxin imported organic Holland onions & also didn't get teary-eyed.  Tasteless onions. Useless in cooking. That's why I avoided buying Zenxin onions for a long time. This time I bought because I felt like buying organic onions.

USA folks are lucky to have choices. Organic & conventional.

In Singapore, organic stuff is very expensive & very few.  A small to medium-sized organic papaya goes for nearly $11 (US$8) or more. Impossible to buy unless you are rich. Conventional Malaysian papayas are only $2+ for a large one, although completely tasteless (& covered in white pesticide/fungicide).

It's ridiculous, thinking about it. All food was grown naturally. The companies destroyed our food source. And now they make "organic" sound as if it's so special & put a hefty price tag on it (after destroying the natural food supply).  We ought to bash up the companies.

It's like the air is clear. Companies intentionally pollute it & then sell clean air on the side at a high price only to people who can afford it.  Why should people tolerate such behavior?

Consumers need to speak up with their dollars. Unfortunately, the majority of people are uneducated & choose the cheaper pesticides food. They still grab conventional strawberries & blueberries, for instance. Still buying (polluted) China vegetables.

You know how USA increases the yield of strawberries? Check it out.  They use a chemical that is banned in other countries. USA is the only country still using that banned chemical to achieve high strawberry yields.

Worse of all, people get married & have kids. When you do that, finances become tight. You cannot afford to buy organic for yourself or your family.  You cannot enjoy the better things in life. You have to count pennies.

Click to enlarge. Or read the comments in the article (link above).

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