Sunday 27 November 2016

Paranormal Points of Negative Presence in the House?

I got 2-5 of the list (except the first & last point).

For #1, this occurs outside my apartment, near my neighbour's apartment. But we always think that it's because she's ill & can't upkeep.  Not always. Sometimes, there's a strange smell. Bro noticed it first.

#2: My house has always had an oppressive feeling but that's because of my mom's strict discipline since we were kids. Oppressive feeling these days came from my bro's bedroom. For some while, I naturally avoided going into his room without realizing it. I just felt unable to step in further than at the door. In the past, I would easily enter & splat on his bed. Not anymore.

These days, bro mentioned being watched from behind while he's at the desktop in the master bedroom. Watched from outside at the balcony doors even though he can't see it from where he's sitting. He says he would turn in his chair to look there.

#3: I experienced this a few days ago. Murderous thoughts for no reason. I had to drink a herbal tea to stop it. Feelings of being trapped, drowning in desperation, frustration. Helplessness. Feeling of going crazy. Violent feelings & imagery.  Happened for 2 nights. I thought it was because my writing was putting pressure on me.

#4: Bad dreams quite often. No happy dreams. Every morning, I wake feeling soggy & not refreshed. I always blamed my late sleeping (wee hours of the morning). However, in Japan when I was dead tired & slept same lateness & woke early, I always felt refreshed in the morning. Never in Singapore, not in my own home & not in any hotel room.

Noises, no. Movement of objects, no. Smells, no. Just soggy, not refreshed sleep.

#5: The house always feel heavy somehow. A bit uncomfortable but gotten used to it. I always thought it's because it's a mess & I didn't tidy up. But recently I cleared up the front of the living room (threw away many things) & still the feeling is the same.

#6: So far, don't have. But I am not well physically & bro is mentally bugged. This is even though we eat moderately & don't drink alcohol or smoke. There is no particular reason for health problems to be happening. I have a tumor that behaves strangely. Bro has what he calls "brain fog" that changes every day. This happened recently in the past few years.

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